All systems are operational

Past Incidents

6th March 2024

Jelastic underhåll / Jelastic Maintenance Work, scheduled 6 months ago

Jelastic underhåll Från och med 8.00(CET) onsdag den 6/3 kommer ett underhållsarbete utförs på jelastic (PaaS). Arbetet kommer utföras under dagen och kommer att påverka hanteringsgränssnittet. Nertid kan uppstå, men kunders containrar bör inte påverkas.

Jelastic Maintenance Work Starting from 8.00(CET) Wednesday 6/3 there will be maintenance done on jelastic (PaaS) which will affect the management interface. Maintenance will take place throughout the day and there might be downtime. Customer containers should not be affected

5th March 2024

No incidents reported

4th March 2024

No incidents reported

3rd March 2024

No incidents reported

2nd March 2024

No incidents reported

1st March 2024

No incidents reported

29th February 2024

No incidents reported

28th February 2024

No incidents reported